
Address and contact details of the Permanent Representation of Belgium in the European Union.

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Belliardstraat 65
B-1040 Brussel

Phone number

+32 2 233 21 11

Contact spokespersons

[only for press- and media related questions]

Alexandre Brecx (Coreper II)
+32 478 79 64 12
Twitter: @alexbrecx
Email address:

Niels Timmermans (Coreper I)
+32 2 233 21 15
+32 470 18 22 47
Twitter: @timmermansniels
Email address:

Would you like to visit our Permanent Representation?

We regularly host school groups or other interested groups who want to learn a little more about how our Permanent Representation works.

Would you like to plan such a visit with us? Then contact our communications department via with a specific question (topic, group size, context) and together we will see what your ideal visit looks like.